
Tuesday 6 March 2012

Cluck, Cluck, What to do when you can't face eggs for breakfast!

So I woke up this morning feeling a bit queasy.  We're out of milk and the b/f made the tea too strong AND the drains are wonky again this morning so the whole house smells like egg.  Bleurgh.

I have, for the most part, been eating eggs for breakfast, almost every day.  I have them scrambled with mackerel (yummy but strong) and since learning to fry them "over easy" I've been doing this as I love a runny yolk.  Eggs, eggs, eggs.  On PV days I stick a couple of baby tomatoes in as well.  I do eggs with garlic and herbs (green eggs), I have eggs on spinach (very yum), I have them with lean ham that I've crisped up (faux bacon) and by and large I am happy with eggs... But...

Today I couldn't face another egg.  I don't know why, I do love them but the thought this morning just turned my stomach.  I thought about having a galette instead but I didn't want to use up my oatbran ration which I'm saving for crispy chicken later on.  I didn't want yoghurt either as I have that as my sweet afternoon treat (which I always need) and I seriously didn't feel like cold meat or cooking a chicken! Ho hum.

A quick scour of the internet turned up oatbran free pancakes.  So I made one and it was delicious!  Definitely for emergency "no egg" mornings only, but seriously yummy if you need a change, it is quick, easy and tasty.

This is how I made it (and I used half the original recipe) with a few of my own additions.  Annoyingly I've already lost the original source, so sorry if this is yours!

2 & 1/2 Tablespoons skimmed milk powder
1 egg
2 teaspoons of sweetener (I use xylitol)
2 Tablespoons Fizzy water
(I added 1 teaspoon cocoa powder and one capful of chocolate extract)

Mix it all up into a creamy consistency and fry like a pancake (I use a sort of pam spray on my frying pan)

It was really nice and pretty filling and I feel much less queasy now!  I would have taken a photo too, if I hadn't eaten it so quickly.  So a successful galette alternative; you could have it plain for when you want a galette but have used up your oatbran ration for the day.  You could also add different flavourings; coffee, cinnamon,  vanilla... You could have it sweet with Dukan ice-cream  for extra special treat days...

A note on chocolate extract:

Star Kay White's Chocolate Extract
When I first started the Dukan,I bought this because I was like "crap, crap I need extracts." I wasn't too sure what it was and I thought it might even be white chocolate extract (it isn't).  So most important for you to know, it doesn't taste like chocolate, so don't go dumping it your yoghurt hoping for a chocolate yoghurt.  What it does do, is enhance the flavour of chocolate when it's already present.  This is useful for moments when 1 measly teaspoon of cocoa powder in your daily allowance doesn't cut the big chocolatey hit that you want.  Use in conjunction with your cocoa and it will make the taste go much, much further.

Fatty. Xx

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