
Monday 5 March 2012

Week 3 Review; Combatting Blue Mondays & Results

Good morning all!!  So far today, from lying in bed and hammering the snooze button every ten minutes for an hour, to staring at todays work schedule for 40 minutes and deciding I'd rather go on twitter instead, I have been trying to convince myself that the Monday Blues are simply a matter of attitude.

What are Monday Blues?  Monday Blues are an occasional and unwelcome aspect of Monday mornings, they are variable in content but their component parts usually consist of; regretting I didn't have enough 'fun' on the weekend, regretting I didn't do enough admin to make the week run smoothly, dreading the long haul until the next weekend and feeling a bit sick at the prospect of all the work that needs to be done between now and then.  Monday Blues have evolved from Sunday Blues when the b/f managed to convince me that Sunday Blues are a waste of the weekend and infringe on precious relaxation time.  The Blue slipped out of Sunday and took up residence on Monday morning instead.

The danger of these circumstances is that I can become too despondent to do anything so the day slips by with zero productivity and then the rest of the week is a nightmare (or rarely I go totally overboard on the planning and micromanage every part of my day until there is zero productivity and the rest of the week is a nightmare)

If like me, you are on the Dukan, then you will know by now that the Dukan becomes interwoven in your life.  This the start of week 4 on the Dukan (1 week attack, 2 weeks of cruise) and I am aware that I'm entering a slight danger zone, i.e. I'm easing up on the relentless, gruelling pressure to "lose it all now, NOW, NOW, NOW!" (see previous blog post) which is a good thing, but I don't want to risk losing focus.  Just like when my personal and professional planning becoming unstuck leads to a Blue Monday, I don't want it to lead to the Dukan becoming unstuck.  This is the first week I haven't sat down on a Sunday and come up with a menu for the week and made sure I have everything from the shops.

However going back to ATTITUDE.  Largely due to the terrific support I get from Dukan pals on twitter and on here and the wonderful resources of Dukan recipes, I am determined not be daunted by my total lack of planning either in Dukan or professionally.  So here we go, proof that I don't need to make endless plans, that I can fact rely upon my resources to make things go smoothly.

Dukan, Monday PV Day - Breakfast: green eggs and tomatoes; Lunch - New York style deli wrap made from galette, smoked lean ham, dijon, cornichons and loads of lettuce; Dinner - courgette pancakes and salad.

Work, Morning - work on presentation for career fair I agreed to do (eep!) Lunch - Lunch meeting, Afternoon - Back to office to work on feedback I will be receiving.

Non-Negotialbes - Oatbran (in galette, tick), 30 mins exercise (am doing a Zumba class tonight, tick!) 2L fluid (no worries, tick!)

Now for the review of weight loss so far....  You may remember my review for the end of attack  Well, that graph wasn't quite accurate.  It was based on the fact that I wanted to be 78kg when I started, but I wasn't, I was 78.8kg - which, as I don't regularly work in Kg, I didn't appreciate is actually quite a lot.  So here is the new graph, which looks better, because I changed my start weight to be 78.8kg (I wasn't trying to mislead you, I was just trying to force myself to be thinner!)

Click to see it bigger

So I'm on target! Which I'm pleased about.  On Sunday I had a gain of 0.1kg, which was still here this morning, but I'm trying not to freak out and realise that I didn't do ANY exercise on the weekend (bad, BAD Fatty) and instead rejoice that in 3 weeks I have lost 11 lbs and have accomplished 4 goals:

  • I am now under 12 stone (21st Feb)
  • I started with a BMI of 28, it is now 26! (23rd Feb)
  • I have lost half a stone (24th Feb)
  • I am quarter of the way through my weight loss (27 Feb)
The next goals are to get down to 11 and half stone, get my BMI under 26 (and finally onto the not quite so overweight range of 25) and to lose 1 stone.

Hope your journeys are going well too and to cheer you this Monday morning I posted a little music video; I've had this stuck in my head ever since I typed 'danger zone' near the top of this post (and strangely not Blue Monday by New Order, even though that is also an awesome song) Not a huge fan of Top Gun, except for nostalgia value.  Sister #1 used to make me do dance routines with her to this, waaay back in the 80's. 

Love, Fatty. Xx

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