
Friday 2 March 2012

Slow down, you move too fast, you got to make the morning last...

Hello All,

Happy Friday!  I had put off writing for a few days as I was feeling a little bit sad, but was inspired today by (finally) turning my calendar over to March and this was the picture:

From the Sydney Morning Herald 2012 Calendar

Let it go. Let it out.
Let it all unravel
Let it free and it can be
A path on which to travel

So feeling nicely inspired by that sentiment I have picked up my pen *ahem laptop* again.  The post title comes from Simon & Garfunkle's 59th street bridge song because I'm trying to feel ba da, ba da, ba da, da feelin' groovy.

I've been giving myself a hard time recently as the weight loss has been slowing down

Attack Week One - 5lbs Lost
Cruise Week One - 4lbs Lost
Cruise Week Two - so far 2lbs lost and two days to go.

I know the weight comes off easier in the beginning and I should be happy to settle for 2lbs a week but when it started so easily and with so little effort I wanted it to continue at that rate, I thought "Brilliant, Dukan estimated it was going to take me 17 weeks to get to my true weight but if I keep this up it will take me 9 weeks! Bonus!"  I know it's not realistic to expect weight loss like that and if I'm to keep up the momentum then I must put in more effort, don't skip walks, start exercising again, do the bloody dukan exercises!

Has anyone else seen how many ghost dukan blogs and twitter accounts there are?  Man, I find it really depressing.  Reading people's ambition and desire for the dukan to work, only for those hopes to be found like sun bleached bones in the desert of the internet.  <-- Too much poetic licence?  

I'm glad I have you readers, whoever you are!  For the days I don't do the dukan for myself, I do it for you.  Thank you also for the gorgeous birthday messages.  It was a tranquil birthday and I went for a walk in ancient Epping forest with my parents and the b/f.  I was worried about the whole "cake" aspect of the birthday, but I made Dukanized's coffee tarts and put in some cocoa powder along with the cinnamon. Perfection.  Without the cocoa powder they are a little reminiscent of custard egg tarts.  To me at least!
Tranquil Epping 
I was in work this week, having a day at the office for one of my contracts.  This bit of work I'm doing is in the restaurant industry and man, those people talk about food!  And eat a lot of food!! Endless plates of biscuits and treats all day... I do sometimes find it hard to resist, but resist I do, because I'd be so frustrated to blow my longest ever streak of willpower with a bloody cookie.  For a different job I had to go for a buffet lunch meeting.  I couldn't eat anything so just hung about with a glass of water and remained slightly starving until the end when I spotted a tray of hard boiled eggs!! I was totally starving by that stage and grabbed a huge handful of eggs before I left - God, I hope no one saw me!

As ever, I think a lot of the success of dukan depends on planning - especially in the office environment.  This week, for the PP day, I took in my salmon blini, but rolled up like a wrap, I had a small tub of little bits of steak left over from my birthday and some coffee tarts for when I needed something sweet.  The weak spot was coming home at 7pm and not having anything to hand for dinner.  Luckily I rustled up some tuna, onions, garlic, herbs and creme fraiche which were to hand (yummy quick PP dinner by the way!) but I can see this as a potential hazard for days when you seriously can't be arsed.

I'm not finding it hard to stay motivated, sometimes I feel my resolve weaken - high running emotions, tiredness, etc. - but it passes.  My challenge for week 3 is gong to be enjoying the dukan.  I know that might sound strange, I mean I've enjoyed it so far, but I've been afraid; afraid of failing, afraid of being judged, afraid of eating too much, afraid of doing it wrong...
...but no more; next week will be carefree dukan week!  I will be congratulating myself for sticking with it, for losing 2lbs a week and having a full tummy and a full life!

Have a wonderful weekend fellow Dukanistas, wherever you are.

Fatty. Xx

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant blog and you are doing tremendously! I have no doubts that there will be tough times ahead and moments when I just want to jack it all in, but everyone has an 'off' day and you can always get back on track the next day or day after. Keep tweeting, keep blogging, keep going!
