
Tuesday 13 March 2012

BOOM! One month down & How I lost my cat...

Hey Folks,

It's true... I lost my cat doing the Dukan.... Sorry I haven't blogged in a while... I won't go into detail, suffice to say work is dire.  I'm tired of being sad about it and I'm exhausted of being exhausted and there's nothing more to say than that really, other than the end is in sight when I finish this contract at the end of June... Roll on summer!  On the plus side, I've lost my cat...

Lol'ing to myself.  How misleading is that!?  What I mean to say is that I have lost the equivalent weight of my cat (and more!) my cat weighs 5.4kg (he's a big and exotic lad) and when I realised I too had lost 5.4kg I spent a lot of time picking him up and going "oooohhhhh that's quite a lot actually..."  You'll be pleased to know he himself is safe and sound and sitting on my knee and purring like a giant furry cricket and I've taken a photo via photobooth to prove it!

Proof he is safe and well
You know, the 5.4kg mark was on my list of goals and I reached it 21 days into the Dukan diet when I tipped the scales at 11st 7lbs.  I'm now just past a month into the regimen and am 11st 3lbs and really happy.  Honestly, no hyperbole, but whilst professional things in my life are far from terrific, I'm finally feeling slimmer and good God, dieters, it's a good feeling!! Persevere!  I don't have any (old) trousers / jeans that fit.  What a wonderful feeling.

I was trying explain to someone the other day why Dukan worked for me, as opposed to say, weightwatchers, or just eating sensibly (<-- I chortle at the idea!).  What it came down to is, essentially, I have no self control.  I have a Fatty-MacFatty attitude to food and the only way I can resist something is if it is totally prohibited, I was never going to have one glass of wine, or one small chocolate.  The proof for me is that right now I'm horribly stressed (ok, not *right* now, but most of the time) and the old me used to comfort eat, cooking large nourishing meals, baking sweet treats for myself because I was having horrible time.  Well, now that it is VERBOTEN it's just not an issue. I'm not saying it's always been easy but it's getting better.  There was an interesting thing on youtube (ok it's quite dry) about how willpower and self control are like a muscle and the more you use that muscle, the stronger it gets.  I choose to believe this theory because I am getting better at resisting and the feeling of pride I have when I do resist is far greater than the pleasure (and subsequent guilt) I would feel at falling off the  Dukan wagon**

Anyway, end of sanctimonious rant now I promise!! It was making me chuckle thinking about Lucille Bluth (Arrested Development matriarch, you simply must watch it if you haven't already) when her son Buster says that she gets off on being withholding, i.e. saying NO to everything.  Now every time I say "no" to prohibited food I run the dialogue from the attached video through my head and laugh.

Anyhooo... drum roll here are the latest weight lost stats:

Click for larger view

So, by and large on track - a few little plateaus and a few big jumps down at the end there which I will attribute to (1) being stressed and not stress eating and (2) starting Zumba.  Full on cardiac exercise makes such a huge difference to the scales the next day.  Today I had my 4th Zumba class and it was great, I worked out to a point where I feel good-exhausted and found a peace of mind that I haven't found for ages.

That's all for now, missed you all muchly - love love love.
Fatty. Xx

** Total addendum to the notes here, I am going to a wedding over Easter and I fully intend to drink... drink alcohol that is!!


  1. Well done you're doing brilliantly! I liked the idea of the restrictions on this too and I knew unless I made a kind of project out of it I'd never do it. Having a whole plan to follow through to the end leaves no wriggle room for falling off the wagon. Hence tweeting about it to. Don't sweat about the wedding: I had meals/days off for my birthday, for a hen weekend and a wedding and it might set you back a week but it's fine in the bigger picture, as long as you know you have to go back onto Dukan as soon as you can! Good luck x @DukanNewYear

  2. Thanks so much for you support @DukanNewYear! Yes, I'm totally making a project out this - got my excel spreadsheet on and everything! Thanks for the advise about going to the wedding, I think being on track makes me feel more at ease about having a weekend off and it'll be nice to have a wee break half way through! Well done for getting to consolidation!! Xxx
